Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What I Miss About The iPhone

Ok, after using the HTC Hero for almost 2-weeks now, I finally know what’s missing in the Hero and know for sure what I miss most of the iPhone. In one simple word – media. Music, movies and of coz, apps. Syncing media with iTunes is really very well thought out and I don’t see any company can stand up against it – well, for 2009/2010 at least. Before the HTC Hero with it’s removable battery, MicroSD card – seems everyone was bitching why Apple couldn’t just give us that? Here’s why: (warning: long post)

Accessing photos or media on the phone via the MicroSD card (Class 2, 16Gb) – it’s almost snail like. Music playback is not as bad – you’ll still notice a slight lag. On the iPhone, it’s stored on solid state memory which provide faster access, hence reducing load time giving your machine a speedier performance.

Fellow Hero users are saying that getting a Class 6, 8Gb MicroSD will improve it’s performance with a nite and day difference. I’ve yet to try that for myself and would think so as well. Less memory to read, faster read speed (Class 6) – would definitely translates to better performance.

Now, having removable media cards are great. But then again, unless you’re storing every damn song you have in your music library, it’s really kinda hard to fill-up for an average user who uses his phone mainly as a – phone. Sure, what’s a phone without music, videos and photos these days. But definitely not everything you’ve got?! That’s just madness. So, having solid state memory chip pwns removable media card – any day.

iTunes. That’s the killer. Syncing media is just a couple of clicks away. While on the Hero, you gotta copy your media files as you would onto a portable hardisk or thumbdrive. Drag and drop, right click delete unwanted files. Though not life threatening difficult – but iTunes works great in this department. Yeah, yeah, yeah … it’s not fair to compare a seasoned app with what the Hero has to offer. Yada yada yada. Am not comparing the apps – am highlighting the process.

Apps. Being an iPhone user since 2007 – I’ve got myself quite a bit of apps from the Apps Store. One that I missed most – WunderRadio which allows online streaming of the most popular stations around the world. I listen to Hong Kong radio during office hour – so it’s kinda hard not having that luxury anymore. I tried searching for an app on Android Market which will play my fav stations – none available. If you’re reading this and you know of one – please let me know.

So are you saying you hate the HTC Hero now? Of coz not! As mentioned before, the Social Network part of HTC Hero trumps the iPhone. Being connected out-of-the-box with Flickr, FaceBook, Twitter is just unparalleled. If you have a group of friends who connects socially – HTC Hero rocks!

Tethering. Tried tethering (using your phone’s data connection to surf the net on a laptop) the other day – and it’s lightning fast. My friend was on Maxis and the HSDPA speed recorded 2.2Mb. YouTube videos and websites load instantly. Not sure bout the 3GS and tethering here with Maxis – is it enabled?

The form factor. Between the HTC Hero and iPhone, I prefer the Hero. It just fits in your hand better than the iPhone – and that coming from someone who has a fairly big palm. So, there are pros and cons between the Hero and 3Gs – but I can’t say which is better than the other. To me, both are equally strong and hence, it’s really kinda hard to choose or recommend between one and the other.

So, what’s the solution? Get ‘em both. Weekdays – the 3Gs for all your online streaming and media needs. Weekends and off days, HTC Hero all the way. That, would be the perfect match made in gadget heaven. With Android 1.6 a.k.a Donut released to developers – brace yourself for some pretty cool things happening in the Android platform. Though new, HTC Hero has very big potential for some very big surprises.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Zalany telefon! I co dalej?

Zdarzyło Ci się zalać telefon? Mnie się zdarzyło już kilka razy. Mam takie szczęście że moje telefony usilnie próbują się nauczyć pływać. Szczerze przyznam że najgorzej pływanie poszło Sony Ericsson K800i – uszkodził się wzmacniacz antenowy, trochę lepiej pływa Nokia 6500 Classic jednak, czasami się przywiesza bądź gubi zasięg. W K750i wystarczyło wymienić tylko baterie, telefon działa do tej pory (1.5 roku). Najlepiej pływają telefony firmy HTC Pierwszy tej marki próbował się uczyć pływać SPV M650 telefon ten wyszedł bez szwanku. Po tygodniu schnięcia działał, nie wieszał się żadnych problemów z zasięgiem, WiFi czy też GPS. Całkiem nie dawno całkiem zręcznie nurkował HTC Diamond. Ten już tak dobrze nie potrafi nurkować jak poprzednik co prawda wszystko działa jednak restartuje się co jakiś okres.

Co należy zrobić gdy telefon zostanie zalany, bądź zamoczony? Bezzwłocznie wyciągnąć baterie! Co dalej? Oddać do serwisu? Bądź też kupić pojemnik do schnięcia elektroniki czy też może zostawić go na kilka dni w spokoju? Szczerze powiem, że korzystałem już z tych wszystkich opcji. Woreczek do schnięcia elektroniki koszt ok 20$ plus koszty przesyłki. Serwis? hmm… zależy gdzie w niektórych serwisach telefon położą pod ladą i sam wyschnie następnie sprawdzą czy działa i skasują Cię jakieś 30 – 100 zł, chyba że znasz dobry serwis wtedy telefon wykąpią w wannie ultradzwiękowej w specjalnych płynach, po których nie dojdzie do korozji. Najlepszym, najtańszym i najczęściej sprawdzanym prze zemnie sposobem jest zostawienie telefonu w ładny dzień na parapecie, a najlepiej na kilka dni tj. 2 – 3 można go rozebrać i niech sobie schnie. W taki sposób przywracałem do życia HTC Diamond i nie mam z nim najmniejszych problemów.

Friday, September 25, 2009

HTC Touch2 – Shipping Date Confirmed

We have today had it confirmed that the HTC Touch2, will be here in time for the Windows Mobile 6.5 launch on 6th October. From this date we will start shipping the Touch2.

Features of HTC Touch2
  • Slim, compact and lightweight
  • Weighs just 110g, with battery.
  • Windows Mobile 6.5 for an improved user experience
  • 3G/HSDPA high speed connectivity
  • Quad Band network connectivity
  • 3.2 megapixel camera
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • On board GPS receiver
  • 2.8" touch screen
  • 3.5mm audio jack
  • MicroSDHC Memory Card Slot

READ MORE or ORDER a HTC Touch2 on the link below:


Priced at £290+ VAT this is a great upgrade to the original HTC Touch or makes for a compact general smartphone, with a new and improved interface.

LG Secret, Or Htc Magic?

Hey everybody, i'm 15 looking for a phone that can text easily and play music. Both these phones are touch screen and i'm planning to get a phone tomorrow but i have no idea which one to get. There are both marked down to 79.99 with a 3 year contract, since i am getting an upgrade. Any opinions would be appreciated
Im 15 to and i have the Htc magic and its a Very good phone...ive never had the secret but that seems like a cool phone to but its up to you :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How good is the HTC magic..?

What do you think of the phone?
As the Japanese say, its awesome-uh

Who are the carriers for the htc dream?

i know that t-mobile is but what about the other carriers? is cellular going to be one. i REALLY want that phone
T-mobile HAS THE "EXCLUSIVE", But you can get it for any carrier, just get it "unlocked" on e bay etc. Source(s): Personal Experience with HTC

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HTC promette nuovi design e materiali innovativi per il futuro

La rivista Forbes, ha intervistato Claude Zellweger, eclettico designer dell’ aziendaOne & Co, recentemente acquisita da HTC.

Grazie a questa partnership, HTC è riuscita ad ottenere grandi successi nel mondo della telefonia.

Attualmente è il quarto produttore di telefonia cellulare, dietro a Nokia, R.I.M e Apple.

In questa interessante intervista, Zellweger spiega la nuova filosofia di HTC.

Si passa a design innovativi con l’ introduzione di materiali nuovi e ampia scelta di colori.

Alcuni terminali potranno variare la forma a seconda della commercializzazione e dei gusti dell’ operatore.

Chiaro esempio è il nuovo HTC Hero Sprint.

I terminali Android avranno sempre più un design allegro e gioioso, caratterizzato da linee morbidi e colori variegati.

Questo perchè il software di Google non è ancora ben orientato verso il business, al contrario di Windows Mobile.

I nuovi HTC Windows Mobile saranno più seri e sobri, ma questo non vuol dire che non saranno attraenti!

Basti vedere il nuovo Diamond 2 o le prime immagini del presunto LEO.

Secondo Zellweger HTC deve rendere il suo marchio unico, riconoscibile subito dal design.
Inoltre sono previsti nuovi materiali, come il teflon già utilizzato nel retro di HTC HERO bianco.

Materiale solido e molto resistente ai graffi.
One & Co raccoglie le idee sia da HTC che dai loro 18 dipendenti. Non creano modellini reali, ma solo rappresentazioni in 3D o Mockup.

Entro la fine del 2009 verranno lanciato nuovi terminali Windows Mobile 6.5 e viene esclusa la presenza di un netBook da 7 pollici.
Zellwelger chiude l’ intervista con una bella frase :

“Non abbiamo paura di andare nei luoghi dove la gente non è ancora stata”

Friday, September 18, 2009

HTC Whitestone coming October 6 to Verizon

As we all expect a barrage of Windows Mobile 6.5 handsets on October 6th from mobile carries, we now are getting a better idea of what we’re going to be hit with. We heard eons ago that the HTC Whitestone was coming to Verizon and now we know — well kinda. It’s highly probable, lets say that. If you’re unfamiliar with the Whitestone, it’s basically a slightly smaller HTC Touch HD or a keyboard-less HTC Touch Pro 2. WMEpxerts reports that it will be dubbed the HTC Imagio and will sport a 3.6″ resistive TFT touch screen, GPS, 5 megapixel camera with AF and image stabilization. Unfortunately it is powered by the same old 528Mhz Qualcomm processor. Come on HTC, lets see some more Snapdragons. Everyone loves dragons.

via WMExperts

Android’li en iyi HTC tanıtıldı

Google’ın geliştirdiği Android işletim sistemini kullanan HTC Tattoo Ekim’de tüm dünyada raflara çıkacak.

Google’ın geliştirdiği Android işletim sistemini kullanan HTC Tattoo tanıtıldı. Basit kişiselleştirme özelliğiyle ve küçük ölçüleriyle dikkat çekiyor. HTC Tattoo Eylül sonunda Avrupa’da, Ekim sonuna doğru da Türkiye’de piyasaya çıkacak.

HTC’nin tanıttığı yeni Android tabanlı telefonu HTC Tattoo’da kullanıcıların telefonlarını istedikleri gibi kişiselleştirmelerine olanak tanıyan HTC Sense yazılımı bulunuyor. Ürün bülteninde belirtildiği üzere telefonun tüm açılardan kişiselleştirilmesini sağlayan donanımdan uygulamalar ve içeriğe kadar, cihazın özel tasarımı ve yetenekleri ile kullanıcılar kendi mobil deneyimlerini yaratabiliyor.

Küçük ölçülere sahip şık tasarımlı HTC Tattoo’da Google’ın Google Maps, Google arama, Google Mail, Calendar gibi mobil servisleri standart. Cihazın diğer özellikleri arasında 3.2 megapiksel otomatik odaklı kamera, 3.5 mm stereo kulaklık girişi ve genişletilebilir microSD hafıza sayılabilir. 

İlk olarak Eylül ayı sonunda Avrupa’da satışa sunulacak olan HTC Tattoo, devam eden aylarda tüm dünyada kullanıcılarla buluşacak.


Magic é o primeiro Android à venda no Brasil

A HTC lança nesta quinta-feira o smartphone Magic, primeiro aparelho que roda o sistema operacional Android, desenvolvido pelo Google, a ser vendido no Brasil.

O Magic será vendido pelas principais operadoras e não tem preço sugerido informado pela fabricante. Seu custo vai depender do plano oferecido pelas operadoras. O aparelho conta com a interface Sense, que divide a tela em três áreas (pessoal, customizado e entretenimento).

O novo smartphone tem tela de 3,2 polegadas sensível ao toque, conectividade 3G, Wi-Fi e Bluetooth, câmera de 3,2 e sincronização com contas de e-mail pessoal e Exchange. O Magic chega às lojas na segunda quinzena de outubro.

O modelo que chega ao Brasil é baseado no conceito HTC Sense, que oferece recursos de lazer e entretenimento, personalização entre outros. Até agosto deste ano, a HTC vendeu 1 milhão de unidades do Magic nos Estados Unidos. O aparelho deve ser vendido no país por aproximadamente R$ 2 mil.

Fonte: Terra

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Primeiro celular com Sistema Operacional da Google chega ao Brasil em Outubro.

A fabricante de telefonia HTC anunciou nesta quinta-feira (17) o lançamento no Brasil do aparelho Magic, equipado com o sistema operacional Android, do Google. A novidade chega oficialmente ao Brasil na segunda semana de outubro e o preço ainda não foi revelado.

Segundo a HTC, o valor do aparelho vai depender do plano que o consumidor fechar com a operadora de telefonia móvel – pelo fato de se tratar de um smartphone e fornecer acesso à internet, o plano deve conter pacote de dados.

A HTC foi a primeira fabricante a disponibilizar, em todo o mundo, um aparelho com o Android: há cerca de ano, a empresa lançou por US$ 179 nos Estados Unidos o modelo G1, equipado com essa plataforma. No início do ano, em um evento em Barcelona, a companhia apresentou o HTC Magic, o segundo modelo com Android.

Compatível com todas as operadoras brasileiras, segundo o fabricante, o Magic tem tela sensível ao toque com 3,2 polegadas (contra 3,5 polegadas do iPhone), câmera de 3,2 megapixels, GPS, capacidade de transmissão de dados de até 7,2 Mbps (megabits por segundo), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth e sincronização com contas de e-mail, entre outros serviços.


O Android tem código aberto, gratuito e permite às companhias telefônicas economizar em licenças de software. Ele pode ser adotado por diferentes fabricantes de telefones celulares – na semana passada, por exemplo, a Motorola apresentou o modelo Cliq, baseado nessa mesma plataforma.

Apresentado em novembro de 2007, o Android faz parte de uma parceria entre o Google e outras dezenas de empresas chamada Open Handset Alliance. Segundo o Google, essa plataforma ajudará a indústria de celulares a fazer com que a internet funcione em telefones da mesma forma como funciona em computadores – isso contribuiria para o aumento de tráfego nos sites da empresa.

Fonte: Globo G1

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Motorola CLIQ

The Motorola CLIQ

The latest buzz on Android has been the release of Motorola’s new devices, specifically the Motorola CLIQ.  This phone seems to be the talk of the town these days and reasonably so.  Motorola has been suffering tremendously in the past few years of mobile sales as they get left in the dust for smartphones from RIM’s Blackberry devices and of course, the notorious iPhone.  The CLIQ is the first phone to bring Motorola into the Android world and they have definitely stepped up their customization of the platform.

First, let’s take a look at the specs on the CLIQ

  • Full QWERTY slide-out keyboard
  • 320 x 480 screen resolution
  • 5MP camera
  • 3.5mm headset jack
  • MicroSD up to 32GB support
  • 1420 mAh battery
  • Qualcomm MSM7201A 528 MHz Processor
  • 256 MB RAM/512 MB FLASH ROM

So the first selling point for me is the QWERTY keyboard.  It looks to me that Motorola has taken a step up over the T-Mobile G1 and put the keyboard in the phone with a much slimmer architecture.  As we are used to seeing, the processor and RAM specs aren’t that great, but I still maintain faith that someone out there is going to put Android onto a much more powerful machine at a decent price.  Also, many people are loving the idea of the 3.5mm headphone jack.  This is much better than the lengthy adapter shipped with HTC’s devices.

So what has everyone talking about this phone?  Motorola has introduced to the Android system an interface called MOTOBLUR.  This interface is used to keep all your contacts together along with their Twitter, MySpace and Facebook status updates.  This interface is similar to the HTC Sense interface used in the Hero.  The look of it is very impressive, but one question remains.  If this does really appeal to the younger market of smartphones, will it continue to stick using a platform that so far has only drawn in a more tech-savvy user base?  I think it has a lot of potential, and if the hardware can keep up with MOTOBLUR, then this has a real chance at breaking through and possibly revolutionizing the Android system.

The Motorola CLIQ will start pre-sales on October 19 and more than likely be released in November.  The phone will be available exclusively from T-Mobile with a black or white trim of your choice.  You can check out more information and take a test drive of the system on T-Mobile’s offical CLIQ website.

All that’s left to say is good luck, Motorola.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Gadget: Sony Ericsson XPeria X1

My new XPeria arrived on Thursday, and now that I’ve had a few days to play around with it, I thought I’d share some of my initial observations on it. This is not a review, just some impressions – I don’t pretend to know much about smart phones, so if I compare two phones and get it backwards, remember this is just my opinion

When selecting a new phone, I had had quite a broad range of choices, most notably between the XPeria, the HTC Touch Pro 2, one or two Nokias, and of course the iPhone. To cut a very long story short, I had not had much face-time with any of the phones, and only had user reviews to go on, as well as past experience with the different brands, and of course the price tag    My two previous phones were both Sony Ericssons, and I was more than happy with both of them. I’ve never been much of a fan of the Nokia range, and the whole iPhone software model I think is stupid. Also, (and many think I’m crazy for this part), I *wanted* a phone with Windows Mobile on it: being a .Net developer, I figured it would be handy to try my hand at some of the SDK functionality available (more on that in another post). Finally, the HTC Touch Pro 2 looked like a damn fine contender, but considering the price tag (more than double that of the X1), the few extra features were hardly convincing.

So, what is my initial impression? Basically, it’s a very cool piece of hardware.

The performance seems great so far (far, far superior to previous P990i on Symbian), and the touch screen is fine (granted, it will probably never come close to the iPhone, or so I’m told, but its perfectly functional) The QWERTY keyboard is excellent too. Interestingly, I had never held the QWERTY keyboard as a priority, but that is probably because I had never found one easy to use, and so had dismissed it completely as a viable input method. I am now converted! The camera is capable, though not important to me, and unfortunately the sound is a little soft. The connectivity (3G, HSUPA, Wifi etc) are all excellent, and extremely easy to set up. (I’m already connecting to the internet through 2 wifi networks, and then hsdpa/3g/gprs etc etc etc…. all seamlessly and automatically, with near-complete control. Something I could never quite get right on the p990i)

On the physical side, it’s a great looking phone: it’s got lots of metal bits rather than plastic, which feels great. It’s light enough not to pull your pants down, but heavy enough to feel like a real phone. It’s also not a brick, like many smart phones, and I think the size is perfect. The screen is very easy to read (though I suspect not so great in daylight, like most smart phones), and colours look great. (IIRC, only 65K, but I still believe more than that is of no real benefit. At least not for me…)

I’m still getting used to not having the standard keypad on the front, so dialling while driving, for example, is quite difficult (which is probably a good thing).

Ok, finally, I can’t write something about the X1 without mentioning the Panels. Panels are probably the most unique and strongest selling point of the X1, and with good reason too. Basically, think of a Panel as your default, or “home” screen. Usually, most of us will use a default panel showing the time, weather, appointments, missed calls, and a pretty background. However, you can quickly (as in, 2 “clicks”) change your panel to, say, the Skype panel, or a GPS panel, or the Radio panel, Facebook panel, etc…. Its difficult to describe it in a way that does it justice, but so far its proven to be pretty cool

[Via http://baldrics.wordpress.com]